Mortgage protection is a simple step to securing your home

We’ve listed the basics but if you’d like to get into the detail, click here for our booklet.

Two young children in vegetable garden holding up little houses.

Here's what you need to know

 Mortgage protection is a form of life insurance.

 It protects the people you care about by helping to cover your mortgage if you die.

 You can add optional cover to protect you against certain illnesses.

 You keep paying throughout your mortgage - most pay monthly.

Most customers don’t have to wait long for a policy once they’ve applied.

Here's how we can help with mortgage protection

You can take out mortgage protection with any provider - but here’s why we’re a great choice.

couple talking to advisor

Talk to a human

Our advisors have helped thousands of customers decide on the cover they want. They can help you take it step by step and they’ll cut out the jargon. Face to face in one of our branches or over the phone - the choice is yours. You’ll deal with the same advisor throughout and they’ll only be a phone call or email away.

family smiling in room

More than the basics

If you just need mortgage protection, no problem - we can get you sorted. But if you’re looking to see how sorted your money is overall our advisors can help. We offer free of charge financial reviews to help you see the bigger picture.

man smiling at laptop

In good hands

Talk to one of our financial advisors. All of them are qualified professionals who have helped thousands of our customers to make a plan. AIB life is a partnership between AIB and Great-West Lifeco to provide protection, retirement and investments through AIB’s financial advice service. AIB provide advice. Protection products are provided by AIB life.

What's involved

Don’t worry - we know our stuff, we’ll explain it simply, and we’ll guide you through every step.


Choosing the level of cover

We’ll have a chat to look at your overall financial wellbeing to help you choose the right level of cover. We’ll give you your options and tell you how much each level of cover will cost. There’s no pressure to decide. We can send you the details so you can have a think in your own time.


Gathering the details

When you’re ready you can let us know what level of cover you’ve chosen. We’ll go through some details about your health and lifestyle. Depending on your lifestyle and your health, there may be an additional cost or we might need to look for some medical documents. Then we’ll draw up the policy and ask you to sign. This can be done digitally – no need to come into us.


Putting it in action

Your mortgage advisor or broker will be able to tell you when it’s time to start your mortgage protection policy. Once you get the go ahead we’ll start the policy. This is when you’ll start paying for your mortgage protection cover. We’ll still be around if you’ve any questions but that should be it – you’re set.

Ready to talk to us about mortgage protection?

Get in touch. Over the phone or in person - the choice is yours.


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Not sure what you need?

If you’re not sure where to start make a booking to talk to one of our advisors or read on for more information.



Provide cover for the people you love when you have died, or you suffer from certain illnesses

More about protection


Savings and Investments

Feel secure about your plans by putting money away


More about savings and investments



Find out how your earning power, investment growth and tax relief can make a more comfortable retirement

More about retirement plans

Important information

AIB life is a partnership between Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. (AIB) and Great-West Lifeco to provide protection, retirement and investment solutions through AIB’s Financial Advice service.

Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. is tied to AIB life for life and pensions business.

Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

Saol Assurance d.a.c., trading as AIB life is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. has a 50% holding in Saol Assurance d.a.c.